Healthy Green Florentine Smoothie
Serving size: 2
One morning in Florence, I was looking for breakfast before heading out of town. Espresso was a must (obviously), but I passed a very chic juice bar and decided to start the day in a non-traditional fashion. I ordered a refreshing green smoothie and immediately felt like a million bucks! It was a heavenly way to rejuvenate and prepare for a long drive to Le Marche.
Foodie Note: When I either make this just for myself or have an early morning, I’ll make it a day in advance; leave everything in the blender and refrigerate. The next morning when I’m ready to enjoy, give it a quick “buzzz” to froth and blend again. For some reason, it seems like more work in the morning than at night.
Aim for all organic ingredients.
1 cup cucumber, chopped into 1″ pieces
juice from 1/2 lemon
1/2 cup (packed) fresh spinach
1/2 cup good quality apple juice
1 ice cube
1) Add all ingredients to blender and mix for 1 minute, or until smooth
2) Enjoy immediately!